Maritime Services › Other Maritime Services
Below are other commonly requested maritime services in which we can provide an expedite solution. Please contact our office to request any of these services or if you would like more information.
Other maritime services | |
Service | $USD |
Radio license provisional extension (3 months) | $250.00 |
Navigation certificate extension (1 month) | $150.00 |
Vessel change of ownership | $1,100.00 |
Change of registered vessel tonnage | $1,100.00 |
Change of vessel name | $1,100.00 |
Cancelation of Panamanian registry | $1,100.00 |
Mortgage registration | |
Mortgage cancellation | |
Bill of sale | $ 20 per document + $ 30 per signature authentication |
At a glance, these are the services we provide:
For vessels
- Vessel registration
- Annual taxes payment
- Radio licenses
- Provisional Registration of Navigation Certificate (and extension)
- Log, Oil, Crewlist books
- Other vessel services such as:
o Bill of sale
o Mortgage registration
o Cancelation of flag
For crew
- Seaman books endorsement
- Endorsement of titles and certificates
Be assured that all services we provide are delivered expedited, with quality and according to your business needs.