Consular Services › Panamanian Passport
*The process takes between 3 to 6 weeks.- Fill the application form (only hand print or typed will be accepted)
Passport application "Solicitud de Pasaporte" will be provided at the consulate. - Two (2) copies in colour of the main page of the expired passport. If your passport has been lost or stolen, please see below under the heading “Renewal of lost or stolen passport”.
- Two (2) copies in colour of the Panamanian birth certificate.
Please note: If you do not have a cedula or your cedula is expired and are renewing your passport for the first time in Canada, you can provide Canadian identification that contains your picture and signature along with the certification of signature form. However, you are only allowed to renew your passport from overseas once without a valid cedula. When you receive your passport, you must return to Panama and renew your cedula before your passport expires. La Dirreccion Nacional de Pasaportes will not allow you to renew your passport twice with an expired cedula.
- Two (2) copies of the petitioner Panamanian personal identification card.
- Three (3) photographs
Passport Photo Requirements:
- Passport size (4-1/2 cm x 5 cm)
- Must be in colour, not glossy and with a white background
- Forehead and ears must be visible
- If you have bangs, they must be pinned back
- Hair must be brushed back and tucked behind ears
- No sleeveless shirts, no big earrings, no facial piercing, no coloured contacts and no glasses (even if you wear prescription glasses)
- The date must also be stamped at the back of every picture
- Signature of the applicant. (In the middle of a white sheet of paper 8 ½ x 11).
This signature MUST BE exactly as the one shown in the Panamanian personal ID (cedula).
- If you do not sign exactly as the signature shown in your cedula, your application will be retained and the process will be delayed.
- The fee for passport renovation is $100.00 USD or $50.00 USD for jubilados only (women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 65). You must provide a money order from an international bank that meets these following criteria’s:
- The money order must be made payable to FONDO ESPECIAL DE PASAPORTES. Please ensure the name is spelled correctly.
- A U.S. branch address must be printed on the money order along with the nine (9) digit route number.
- The amount must be written out as well as written numerically.
- Must be signed by the bank teller.
- The information must be printed in dark black ink. If the ink is too light the bank in Panama will not accept it.
- Fee for courier service: CAD $170.00. We accept Money Orders made payable to "Consulado de Panama". For courier expenses we will also accept cash payments. Do not include this payment in the money order being sent to Direccion Nacional de Pasaportes.
- A copy of the contact information form filled out.
For Underage or Minors
- Application form for a minor must be signed by the father and mother within the top left hand box that indicates “Firma del Solicitante”.
- Signed letter from father and mother authorizing the Consulate to request the minor's passport. (This document will be provivded, signed and stamped by the consulate).
- Photocopy of personal identification card of the minor.
- Photocopy of personal identification card (cedula) of both mother and father of the minor. Call the consulate for exceptions.
- If the minor is 13 years and older, they must sign their first and last name in the middle of a white sheet of paper 8 ½ x 11).
- They must also fill out and sign the certification of signature form “certification of signature” Download
- If you need to void a minor's passport, please fill the form "Anulación de pasaporte" that will be provided at the consulate.
Including the requirements in the section Requirements for Panamanian Passport, you will need also:
Renewal of Lost or Stolen Passport
- Copy of Police report. Must include passport number that has been lost or stolen. If you need the number, you can call La Direccion Nacional de Pasaportes at 011-507-512-2188.
- Fill the form "Anulación de pasaporte" that will be provided at the consulate.
Including the requirements in the section Requirements for Panamanian Passport, you will need also:
Renewal of Passport Before Expiration Time
- Letter explaining the reason of requesting a new passport.
- Fill the form "Anulación de pasaporte" that will be provided at the consulate.
Including the requirements in the section Requirements for Panamanian Passport, you will need also: